12.05 Uncertainties due to boundary conditions in predicting mixing in groundwater (UNMIX)
In many practical relevant situations, we are interested in modelling the fate and transport of contaminants close to the boundary conditions of a computational domain (e.g., a contaminant ground-water plume endangering a well or a surface water body, saltwater intruding in coastal aquifers,…). Modelling the dynamic behaviour of such boundary conditions is complex and is a major source of uncertainty for model prediction. In this work, we aim at investigating the impacts of extreme hydrological conditions (e.g., floods, droughts, storm surge) in controlling groundwater flow boundary conditions and consequently mixing processes in the subsurface. The correct quantification of mixing is in fact of utmost importance for modelling conservative and reactive transport in aquifers. While major efforts have been spent to assess the effect on mixing of heterogeneous flow fields typical of natural geological structures, less attention has been payed to mixing occurring at the transient boundary of a groundwater model. First, we will focus on synthetic simulations to investigate the role of extreme hydrological conditions on dilution and reactive mixing enhancement applying the dilution index both in its classical and flux related forms. Then, we will apply a newly developed measure theory to derive model parameters (e.g., dispersion coefficients, flow velocity, contaminant source location) and quantify model uncertainty due to the uncertain boundary conditions. Finally, we will apply the newly developed tools to assess four real case studies in which the boundary conditions play a fundamental role for the quantification of mixing processes in the subsurface.
Research articles
Teixeira Parente, M., Wallin, J., Wohlmuth, B. (2020). Generalized bounds for active subspaces. Electron. J. Statist. 14 , no. 1, 917--943. doi:10.1214/20-EJS1684.
Olarinoye, T., Gleeson, T., Marx, V., Seeger, S., Adinehvand, R., Allocca, V., Andreo, B., Apaéstegui, J., Apolit, C., Arfib, B., Auler, A., Barberá, J.A., Batiot-Guilhe, C., Bechtel, T., Binet, S., Bittner, D., Blatnik, M., Bolger, T., Brunet, P., Charlier, J.B., Chen, Z., Chiogna, G., Coxon, G., Vita, P. de, Doummar, J., Epting, J., Fournier, M., Goldscheider, N., Gunn, J., Guo, F., Guyot, J.L., Howden, N., Huggenberger, P., Hunt, B., Jeannin, P.Y., Jiang, G., Jones, G., Jourde, H., Karmann, I., Koit, O., Kordilla, J., Labat, D., Ladouche, B., Liso, I.S., Liu, Z., Massei, N., Mazzilli, N., Mudarra, M., Parise, M., Pu, J., Ravbar, N., Sanchez, L.H., Santo, A., Sauter, M., Sivelle, V., Skoglund, R.O., Stevanovic, Z., Wood, C., Worthington, S., Hartmann, A. (2020). Global karst springs hydrograph dataset for research and management of the world's fastest-flowing groundwater. Nature Scientific data, 7, 59. doi: 10.1038/s41597-019-0346-5
Bittner, D., Teixeira Parente, M., Mattis, S., Wohlmuth, B., & Chiogna, G. (2020). Identifying relevant hydrological and geometrical catchment properties in active subspaces - An inference study of a lumped karst aquifer model. Advances in water resources, 135, 103472. doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2019.103472
Teixeira Parente, M., Bittner, D., Mattis, S. A., Chiogna, G., & Wohlmuth, B. (2019). Bayesian Calibration and Sensitivity Analysis for a Karst Aquifer Model Using Active Subspaces. Water Resources Research, 55. doi: 10.1029/2019WR024739
Bittner, D., Narany, T. S., Kohl, B., Disse, M., & Chiogna, G. (2018). Modeling the hydrological impact of land use change in a dolomite-dominated karst system. Journal of Hydrology, 567, 267-279. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.10.017
Merchan-Rivera, P., Chiogna, G., Disse, M., & Bhola, P. (2018). Surface water and groundwater interaction during flood events in the Alz Valley: numerical modeling and solute transport simulations. El agua subterránea : recursos sin fronteras. ISBN: 978-987-633-536-2
Bittner, D., Teixeira Parente, M., Mattis, S., Wohlmuth, B., & Chiogna, G. (2018). On the relationship between parameters and discharge data for a lumped karst aquifer model. arxiv.org
Conference contributions
Basilio Hazas M. (2019), Impacto de Hydropeaking sobre rios y aqua subterranea: el caso en la cuenca del Adigio, 8 Symposio Becarios CONACYT en Europa 2019 Strasbourg
Bittner D., Parente M., Mattis S.A. Wohlmuth B. Disse M. and Chiogna G. (2019) how to model the impacts of land use changes in karstic environments: model development, parameter dimention reduction and uncertainty quantification, IAH Malaga
Chiogna G., Bittner D., Parente M., Mattis S.A. and Wohlmuth B. (2019) Can a High Dimensional Parameter Space be Acceptable for a Lumped Hydrological Karst Model? SIAM Geosciences, Houston
Merchan-Rivera P., Chiogna G., and Disse M. (2019) Comparative Analysis of Groundwater Modeling Software to Describe the Interaction Between Surface Water and Groundwater During Floods, SIAM Geosciences, Houston
Basilio Hazas M., Chiogna G., and Disse M. (2019) Impact of Highly Transient Boundary Conditions on the Groundwater Flow Field and its Implication for Mixing, SIAM Geosciences, Houston
Merchan-Rivera P., Chiogna G., Bhola P. and Disse M. (2019) Effect of river boundary conditions on groundwater flow and solute transport during a flood event, EGU, Vienna
Bittner D., Parente M., Mattis S.A. Wohlmuth B. and Chiogna G. (2019) Parameter dimension reduction using the active subspace method for a lumped karst aquifer model EGU, Vienna
Bittner, D., Disse, M., Sheikhy, T., & Chiogna, G. (2018). Modelling the impact of land use change on drinking water supply in a karstic system. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (Vol. 20, p. 6151).
Chiogna, G., Ye, Y., Lu, C., & Rolle, M. (2018). Effect of anisotropy structure on plume dilution and reaction enhancement in helical flows. CMWR 2018 conference.
Mattis, S., & Wohlmuth, B. (2018). Goal-Oriented Surrogate Construction for Groundwater Problems. CMWR 2018 conference.
Merchan-Rivera, P., Chiogna, G., Disse, M., & Bhola, P. (2018). Interacción entre agua superficial y agua subterránea durante eventos de inundación: modelización numérica y simulaciones de transporte de solutos. X Congresso Argentino de Hidrogeologia y XIV Congreso Latinamericano de Hidrogeologia.
Basilio Hazas, M. & Chiogna, G. (2018). Impact of hydropeaking on groundwater flow and transport: a case study in the Adige Valley. 4th Cargèse Summer School on "Flow and Transport in Porous and Fractured media: Development, Protection, Management and Sequestration of Subsurface Fluids"

Project team leader
Dr.-Ing. Giorgia Marcolini
Chair of Hydrology and River Basin Management

Doctoral researcher
Monica Basilio Hazas
Chair of Hydrology and River Basin Management

Doctoral Researcher
Mario Parente
Chair of Numerical Analysis

Doctoral Researcher
Pablo Merchan Rivera
Chair of Hydrology and River Basin Management

Daniel Bittner
Chair of Hydrology and River Basin Management

Principal Investigator
Professor Markus Disse
Chair of Hydrology and River Basin Management

Principal Investigator
Professor Clint Dawson
Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, UT Austin

Principle Investigator
Prof. Gabriele Chiogna
Chair of Hydrology and River Basin Management