Get to know our JADS Cohorts
Cohort 2024 focuses on the theme of Health Resilience in a Changing Environment. The wider environment to which we are exposed influences health through factors including higher-density living, increased variety and concentrations of pollutants, climate change, conflict and mass migration. The 5 selected projects will help pioneer ground-breaking convergence science at the intersection of health, technology, AI and data sciences to understand the impact of these environmental factors on human health and wellbeing and to develop ways to mitigate against these impacts. Prof. Martin Wilkins from Imperial and Prof. Percy Knolle from TUM have been appointed academic leads.
The third JADS cohort combines project from two years. In 2022, two projects were selected under the theme "Circular Economy". To reflect the importance of the topic of sustainability, the university management boards of both the Imperial College London and TUM decided to continue the topic in 2023 under the theme "Transition to Zero Pollution" and a further three projects were selected.
Together, these five projects form a unique joint cohort under the theme "Circular Economy and Transition to Zero Pollution". In addition to Prof. Fröhling and Prof. Voulvoulis, Prof. Jaensch and Prof. Stephens have also been appointed academic leads.
After the first cohort with the theme “Artificial Intelligence, Healthcare and Robotics”, the second cohort has focused on the theme “Mathematics of Information: Theory and Application”. Professor Johannes Zimmer from TUM and Dr. Martin Rasmussen have assumed the role of the academic leads. Six projects were selected, from which one (MLAO) had to be closed in October 2022 since the project members from TUM side transferred to Oxford University. The five remaining projects can be found here. Each project consists of a Principal Investigator (PI) from TUM and one Imperial as well as a doctoral candidate from each side. The teams either started in October or November 2021.
The university management boards of Imperial and TUM jointly selected the field of Artificial Intelligence, Healthcare and Robotics as the topic for the first cohort in 2020. Prof. Nassir Navab of TUM and Dr. Aldo Faisal of Imperial, respectively, were named as the two academic leads for this field. Six projects were selected that are each led by a Principal Investigator (PI) from TUM and ICL. The research teams, consisting of two doctoral candidates, one of each institutions and their PIs, started their projects in October 2020. Over a period of three to four years, they conduct cross-disciplinary research in the selected projects listed here.